548 results
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Broad Lane
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (PENN) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 5) ORDER 2024 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of Broad Lane and Uplands Avenue. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility issues. MoreOpened 2 February 2024 -
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Oak Street
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (PENN) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 6) ORDER 2024 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of Oak Street and Elm Street. These proposals can be seen on the attached plan. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility... MoreOpened 2 February 2024 -
Proposed Waiting and Loading Restrictions on Hartshorn Street
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 3) ORDER 2024 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting and loading restrictions in parts of Hartshorn Street. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed by local residents regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility issues. MoreOpened 2 February 2024 -
Proposed Waiting and Loading Restrictions on Woodcross Street
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 1) ORDER 2024 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting and loading restrictions in parts of Woodcross Street. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to visibility issues. MoreOpened 2 February 2024 -
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Childs Avenue
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 2) ORDER 2024 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of Childs Avenue, Woodcross Lane and Beach Avenue. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility issues. MoreOpened 2 February 2024 -
Oxley Health & Wellbeing Facility Patient and Community Engagement and Involvement Survey
Have your say about the development of a new Oxley Health & Wellbeing Facility City of Wolverhampton Council is working with a wide range of stakeholders, including the local community, health care users and providers, to help shape future proposals for the new Oxley Health & Wellbeing Facility. A feasibility study for the scheme, supported by stakeholders, was conducted and feedback from the public at community events shaped the project design. Outline planning approval was... MoreOpened 28 January 2024 -
A Place for Every Child - City of Wolverhampton Education Place Planning 2024-2027
The Strategy is a key feature of the City of Wolverhampton Council’s approach to meeting its statutory duties as an advocate for parents and families, supporting vulnerable children and championing educational excellence. It offers a framework to guide the future development of the school estate in the City. The Strategy seeks to secure sufficient high-quality school places to improve educational outcomes for all pupils across the City. MoreOpened 22 January 2024 -
Wolverhampton Pride 2024
Equalities Monitoring City of Wolverhampton Council as a public sector organisations has a responsibility to ensure that we do not unfairly discriminate in the services that we provide. This part of what is known as the Public Sector Duty. In order to do this, The Council collects equality monitoring data. The disclosure of this data is optional and is treated in the strictest confidence. The data is only used for monitoring and to ensure that the services... MoreOpened 10 January 2024 -
British Kabaddi Championships 2024
Equalities Monitoring City of Wolverhampton Council as a public sector organisations has a responsibility to ensure that we do not unfairly discriminate in the services that we provide. This part of what is known as the Public Sector Duty. In order to do this, The Council collects equality monitoring data. The disclosure of this data is optional and is treated in the strictest confidence. The data is only used for monitoring and to ensure that the services... MoreOpened 10 January 2024 -
Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Licensing - Best Practice Guidance for Licensing Authorities in England
This consultation is in light of proposed changes to the Council’s taxi licensing policies and procedures, mainly as a result of guidance published by the Government. The topics include: Inclusive service plans Driver medical certification Private hire drivers working with multiple operators Removal of signage on private hire vehicles Certificates of Good Conduct Daily walkaround checks of vehicles ... MoreOpened 15 December 2023 -
Your Priorities for Wolverhampton
Like local authorities up and down the country, City of Wolverhampton Council is facing significant financial challenges as a result of reduced funding, increasing demand and the impact of the cost of living crisis. Despite these challenges, including budget cuts of £240 million over the last 13 years, we have continued to set a balanced budget in order to deliver excellent public services for you. However, with rising demand for services and... MoreOpened 13 December 2023 -
Good Growth Strategy
We are seeking your views to develop the City of Wolverhampton Council’s future economic strategy. The strategy outlines the Council’s proposed approach to economic development and how we will work alongside our partners to support the local economy to grow. Our strategy is based on three interconnected themes and a central principle of ‘good growth’. This means achieving both the right quantity and the right quality of growth; creating a strong, productive and resilient... MoreOpened 12 December 2023 -
Bite Size Learning - Exploitation and National Referral Mechanism
THansk you for attendiong the session MoreOpened 6 December 2023 -
Bilston Health & Wellbeing Facility Patient and Community Engagement and Involvement Survey
Bilston Health & Wellbeing Facility Patient and Community Engagement and Involvement Survey Have your say about the development of a new Bilston Health & Wellbeing Facility City of Wolverhampton Council is working with a wide range of stakeholders including the local community, health care users and providers to help shape future proposals for the new Bilston Health & Wellbeing Facility. The scheme was given the green light at a meeting of... MoreOpened 23 November 2023 -
Proposed Waiting and Loading Restrictions at Millfields Road, Un-Named Road and 20mph Un-Named Road
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 16) ORDER 2023 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting and loading restrictions in parts of Millfields Road and Un-Named Road. The restrictions are required to prevent inappropriate parking which may lead to access and visibility issues. THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL... MoreOpened 17 November 2023 -
Proposed Safer Routes to School Scheme - Bhylls Lane (Bhylls Acre Primary School) - Waiting, Loading, Prohibition of Stopping Restrictions
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (PENN) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 9) ORDER 2023 Following an informal consultation undertaken in October 2023, the City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting, loading and prohibition of stopping restrictions in parts of Bhylls Lane. The proposed restrictions and build-outs are part of the Safer Routes to School Programme for 2023-24, and are required... MoreOpened 17 November 2023 -
Made Waiting and Loading Restrictions on Wulfruna Street
Made Waiting Restrictions on Church Street (Heath Town)
Made Waiting and Loading Restrictions on Hessian Close and Shaw Road
Made Waiting Restrictions on Clifton Street
Bilston High Street Link
City of Wolverhampton Council (CWC) plans to develop unused land next to Pinfold Street car park in Bilston to improve the pathway, and areas next to it, between WV Active Bilston-Bert Williams leisure centre and Bilston town centre. CWC would like your opinions on what you would like to see as part of the plans. This survey provides you with an opportunity to put forward your ideas for what could be in the space we have shown inside the red lines below. We are interested in... MoreOpened 13 November 2023 -
Made - Public Realm Ph3 - Civic and Wulfrun Halls, Event Order
Proposed Improvements to Northwood Park
We would like to carry out improvements to Northwood Park and are very keen to hear the views of local people and visitors. We have listed some suggestions and would like to hear which options you consider to be of particular importance. We also welcome any other ideas you may have. We would also like to hear the views of local residents and visitors, to help us understand how satisfied people are with the park, what the barriers are for using the park and how safe people feel when... MoreOpened 30 October 2023 -
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Green Lanes
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 5) ORDER 2023 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of Green Lanes, Prouds Lane and Green Park Avenue. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility issues. MoreOpened 27 October 2023 -
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Gosport Close
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 4) ORDER 2023 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of Gosport Close, Bedford Street and Stowheath Lane. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility issues. MoreOpened 27 October 2023 -
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Dilloways Lane
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 6) ORDER 2023 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of Dilloways Lane. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to visibility issues. MoreOpened 27 October 2023 -
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Addison Place
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 7) ORDER 2023 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of Addison Place, Kempthorne Road, Lunt Road and Lunt Place. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility issues. MoreOpened 27 October 2023 -
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on King Street
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 8) ORDER 2023 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of King Street, Bank Street and Kirby Close. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility issues. MoreOpened 27 October 2023 -
Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Slim Avenue
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 10) ORDER 2023 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting restrictions in parts of Slim Avenue. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed by residents regarding inappropriate parking in Slim Avenue leading to access issues. MoreOpened 27 October 2023 -
Proposed Waiting and Loading Restrictions on Hincks Street
THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (BILSTON) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 11) ORDER 2023 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting and loading restrictions in parts of Hincks Street and Ettingshall Road. The proposed restrictions are required to address concerns that have been expressed regarding inappropriate parking leading to access and visibility issues. MoreOpened 27 October 2023
548 results.
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