Budget Consultation for 2025-2026
With the financial pressures facing all councils up and down the country, it’s more important than ever that we hear from you about how you think our budget should be spent in the next year.
Earlier this year, the Council revealed the need to find £32.6 million by 2026-2027 due to ongoing budget pressures.
These pressures include increased levels of demand in areas out of the council’s control, such as children’s and adult services and people in need of temporary accommodation. The Council has also had to deal with rising costs combined with years of reduced levels of government funding.
So far, we have identified more than £10 million in savings as we look to balance the books amid unprecedented financial challenges. We have also identified a further £20 million in savings targets.
Despite the significant progress made, more work is required and difficult decisions need to be taken to ensure we can continue to deliver a balanced budget for 2025-2026 and beyond.
By completing this survey, we will be able to consider your views before setting a budget and agreeing a council plan for 2025-2026.
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