Wolverhampton City Centre Public Space Protection Order

Closed 31 Mar 2024

Opened 5 Feb 2024


The City of Wolverhampton Council is consulting on proposals to implement a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which will seek to prevent anti-social behaviour (ASB) within Wolverhampton City Centre.

The proposal would authorise Police to require groups of three of more people to vacate the area if there is reason to believe they will cause ASB and to request face coverings are removed when there is no reasonable grounds to wear them.

We would welcome your views and comments on the proposals for the PSPO.

For further information about the proposals as well as frequently asked questions, please click the link below:

FAQ Public Space Protection Orders.

For further details on how the information you provide will be used, please read our privacy notice.


  • All Areas


  • Businesses
  • Tenants / Residents associations
  • Voluntary and third sector organisations
  • Community groups
  • Faith / Religious groups
  • All residents


  • Community safety
  • Council plan