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Base 25 - Service Experience Questionnaire - (Parents and carers)
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25 Feb 2025
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Base 25 - Service Experience Questionnaire (Parents and carers)
1. Which of Base 25's services has your child or young person had access to since 2021?
Mi Choice (Emotional, Mental Health and Wellbeing Service)
The Empower Project (Exploitation Support)
The SAFE and SAFE ānā SOUND project (Domestic Abuse Support)
Base 25 Behaviour Management Programs
2. I feel that the people who have seen my child have listened to me.
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
Not applicable
3. It was easy to talk to the people who have seen my child.
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
Not applicable
4. My views and worries were taken seriously.
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
Not applicable
5. I feel that the people leading the sessions know how to help my child.
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
6. I have been given enough explanation about the help that is available through this service.
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
7. The facilities at Base 25 (e.g waiting area) are comfortable.
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
8. The appointments are usually at a convenient time (e.g. don't interfere with work, school)
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
9. If a friend's child needed this sort of help, I would recommend this service.
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
10. Overall, the service my child has received has been good.
Certainly true
Partly true
Not true
Don't know
11. What was really good about the Base 25 Service that your child has received?
What was really good about the Mi Choice Service that your child has received?
12. Is there anything you didn't like or anything that needs improving?
Is there anything you didn't like or anything that needs improving?
13. Is there anything else you want to tell us about the service that your child has received?
Is there anything else you want to tell us about the service that your child has received?
14. If you are happy to be contacted regarding Base 25's services, please leave your email address below.
Email address
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