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Wolverhampton IASS Survey Jan - Dec 2025
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31 Dec 2025
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How easy was it to get in touch with us?
Very easy
Rather easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
How helpful was the information, advice and support we gave you?
Extremely helpful
Somewhat helpful
Made little change
Not helpful at all
How neutral, fair and unbiased do you think we were?
Not at all
What difference do you think our information, advice or support has made for you?
A great deal of difference
Little difference
No difference
Overall how satisfied are you with the service we gave?
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Not at all satisfied
How likely is it that you would recommend the service to others?
Extremely likely
Rather likely
Not likely
How have you used us?
Telephone or email advice
Support at meetings
Attended our training events
Attended an outreach event
Used our leaflets
Used our website
Read our Magazine
Received our monthly E- Bulletin
Other support specification
Please tick all of the following statements that apply: 'Since working with the Information, Advice and Support Service...'
There is a better understanding of my child's needs or (for young people completing this) my needs
Better support is in place
My relationship with the school/ setting has improved
I feel more confident
I feel more involved in discussions and decisions
I feel more knowledgeable
I feel more empowered
I feel everyone is working together
I feel positive about the future
Please select the statement that applies to you:
I am a parent/carer of a child with additional needs
I am a young person with additional needs
I am a professional working with a child or young person with an additional need and/ or a disability
Please use the box below to make any other comments about our service:
Feedback Text
What is your name?
What is your email address?
If you enter your email address then you will automatically receive an acknowledgement email when you submit your response.
Please indicate your ethnic group
Ethnic Group
-- Please Select --
White British
White Other
Mixed: White and Black Caribbean
Mixed: White and Black African
Mixed: White and Asian
Mixed: Any other mixed background
Asian/Asian British: Indian
Asian/Asian British: Pakistani
Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi
Asian/Asian British: other Asian
Black or Black British Caribbean
Black or Black British African
Black or Black British: Any other black background
Any other ethnic group
Prefer not to say
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