Community provision CYP SEND Workforce Survey

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Closes 22 Sep 2024


1. What type of organisation are you?
2. Are you aware of the term ‘reasonable adjustments’ and that the law requires you to make them for young people who have a disability?
3. Do you feel confident that you have the knowledge and skills to be able to adapt your activities to meet the needs of different types of special educational needs, disability or medical needs?
4. Do you have a process in place to help you identify children or young people with a special educational need and disability and how to meet their support needs?
5. What are the challenges you experience when putting in place reasonable adjustments?
6. When a person with additional needs enters your centre / attends your activity, do you feel you have the...
7. What would help you to support children and young people with a special educational need and disability to access your provision and have a high quality experience?
8. What information from the child/young person would you find valuable to help you plan and deliver high quality sessions that meet their needs?