PNA Consultation 2025
Wolverhampton's Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment is now out for its public consultation, which lasts for a minimum of 60-days.
Health and Wellbeing Boards are mandated to produce an assessment of local pharmaceutical services in their area every three years. This document is called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).
The draft PNA for focused stakeholder review is available to view below. The PDF is available to download by clicking on the two arrows in the top right corner of the window and selecting the 'Save' option.
Please view the pdf draft below if you are a member of the general public and wish to review and provide feedback.
The PNA assesses both the current and future needs for pharmaceutical services in the area, ensuring these services remain accessible, effective, and responsive to the evolving needs of our local communities. The PNA is then used by ICB to guide decisions regarding market entry to the pharmaceutical list, including the approval of new pharmacies, the relocation of existing premises, and changes to pharmacy operating hours or the range of services provided.
Why your views matter
As part of the NHS Pharmaceutical Services Regulations 2013, the Wolverhampton Health and Wellbeing Board is required to consult a specified range of relevant organisations on a draft of the PNA at least once during the process of developing the document. This consultation is also open to members of the public. Your feedback will be used to inform further development of the PNA which will be published this year.
Please tell us what you think of the PNA by completing the online survey.
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