Wolverhampton Pride 2024 Feedback

Closed 23 Jun 2024

Opened 10 Jun 2024


Thank you for celebrating Wolverhampton Pride with us on Saturday 8th June. It was great to see thousands of you soaking up the Pride atmosphere in the city centre and enjoying a glorious day of entertainment.

We’d really appreciate it if you could complete this short survey before 23 June with your feedback on Wolverhampton Pride 2024 so we can hear about what you liked and what we can improve for 2025!

Why your views matter

We want your feedback so that we can make any changes required to make Pride 2025 the best it can be!



  • All Areas


  • Businesses
  • Voluntary and third sector organisations
  • Community groups
  • All residents
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people (LGBT)
  • People with disabilities
  • Students
  • Visitors / Tourists


  • Parks and open spaces
  • Arts, museums and culture
  • Tourism
  • City centre
  • Businesses
  • Thriving economy in all parts of the city
  • Healthy, inclusive communities