Night-time Economy

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Closes 30 Sep 2024

Night-time economy

1. In the past 12 months, how often have you visited Wolverhampton city centre in the evening and at night?
2. Which days / times are you most likely to visit?
3. How do you typically travel to the city centre in the evening and at night?

How do you typically travel home from the city centre in the evening and at night?

4. Which, if any, of the following do you do when you visit or go out in the city centre in the evening and at night? (Please select all that apply)
5. What do you like most about the city centre in the evening and at night?
6. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements:
7. Thinking about the cost of, if at all, have you changed any of your usual evening and night-time activities as a result of financial pressures?
8. What would improve your experience of visiting or going out in the city centre in the evening and at night?
9. What types of establishments would you use if open later in the evening?
10. Are there any night-time activities that you think are missing from the city centre? If so, what are they? Please state…
11. How safe or unsafe do you feel in the city centre in the evening and at night?
12. Thinking about your answer to the above, what do you think can be done to improve safety in the city centre?
13. What do you dislike most about the city centre in the evening and at night?
14. What time do you generally leave after visiting the city centre of an evening or at night?

Why do you leave at this time?

15. Which of the following, if any, are the main barriers to you going out of an evening and at night in Wolverhampton more?
16. Thinking about improving the evening and night-time offer in the city centre, which of the following would you most like to see prioritised in Wolverhampton?

Please select your top three.

17. How does Wolverhampton’s evening and night-time offer compare with that of other cities you have visited in the UK?
18. Are there any other city or town centres, or other places that you visit as well as Wolverhampton to enjoy an evening or night out? If so, please specify below:
19. Overall, how do you feel about visiting or going out in Wolverhampton in the evening and at night?