Research Governance Application - Part B

Closes 31 Dec 2039

Supporting documents

Please provide the supporting documents detailed in the guidance document. If you wish to provide more supporting documents, please email them to

21. If you have a research proposal, please attach it here:

Please ensure it is in either PDF or Microsoft Word Document format.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
22. If you have had approval from your research organisations ethics board, please attach a copy here:

Please ensure it is in either PDF or Microsoft Word Document format.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
23. If your research organisation has an indemnity insurance, please attach it here:

Please ensure it is in either PDF or Microsoft Word Document format.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
24. If you would like to attach any other supporting documents, please attach here:

Please ensure attachments are in either PDF or Microsoft Word Document format.

Please make sure your file is under 25MB
Please make sure your file is under 25MB
Please make sure your file is under 25MB