Research Governance Application - Part B

Closes 31 Dec 2039


4. What experience do you have of working with the group of participants involved in your study?
5. How will you comply with equal opportunities when recruiting and communicating with participants?
6. Are you going to involve your participants in planning the way the research will be carried out?

For example, will you involve them in deciding where the research will take place (i.e. participants home, at the university or neutral venue), the date and time of the research (i.e. a weekday or weekend; daytime or evening) and what method of communication you will be using to conduct the research (i.e. face to face, telephone or video call)?

7. Will you be paying or providing any incentives to your participants?
8. How will participants be given the opportunity to withdraw from the study if they feel the need to do so?
9. Will you give participants details about how to complain should they need to?