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523 results

  • Pavement Licence Application - The Slug & Lettuce

    The Council has received an application for a Pavement Licence, requesting permission for The Slug & Lettuce to use the highway adjacent for selling food and drink or customer seating. More
    Closed 13 August 2020
  • Pavement Licence Application - The Giffard Arms

    The Council has received an application for a Pavement Licence, requesting permission for The Giffard Arms to use the highway adjacent for selling food and drink or customer seating. More
    Closed 12 August 2020
  • A Step in the Right Direction

    City of Wolverhampton Council is making significant changes across it’s transport network to prioritise public safety and maintain social distancing as part of it’s response to COVID-19. A step in the right direction is the Wolverhampton transport plan which outlines the key proposals. More
    Closed 7 August 2020
  • Measures to Tackle Car Cruising - Future Steps

    As you may be aware the City of Wolverhampton Council, on behalf of itself and its neighbouring Black Country Borough Councils (Dudley, Sandwell and Walsall) obtained an injunction, reinforced with a power of arrest, on 1 December 2014 to restrain the activity of “car cruising” which was plaguing the Black Country area (“the Injunction”). The Injunction was granted for three years and was renewed by the High Court in February 2018 and now expires February 2021. Owing to the... More
    Closed 4 August 2020
  • Proposed Waiting Restrictions on Cambridge Street

    WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (WEDNESFIELD) (PROHIBITION AND RESTRICTION OF WAITING AND STREET PARKING PLACES) (AMENDMENT NO 5) ORDER 2020 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed waiting and loading restrictions in parts of Cambridge Street, Water Street and Hilton Street. The restrictions are being proposed to alleviate concerns that have been raised by West Midlands UTC regarding parking issues in parts of Cambridge Street and Water... More
    Closed 31 July 2020
  • Proposed 7.5T Environmental Weight Limit on Keepers Lane

    THE WOLVERHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL (KEEPERS LANE, WOLVERHAMPTON) (7.5 TONNES ENVIRONMENTAL WEIGHT RESTRICTION) ORDER 2019 The City of Wolverhampton Council is undertaking formal consultation regarding proposed 7.5 Tonnes Environmental Weight Limit in Keepers Lane, Wergs Drive and Chatsworth Gardens. The restriction is being proposed to reduce unsafe issues of goods vehicles over 7.5 tonne using Keepers Lane as a route as there is no turning point; the restriction will also match the... More
    Closed 31 July 2020
  • PSPO Dog Control Orders

    What is a Public Space Protection Order? Public Place Protection Orders (PSPO) are orders made by the local authority under powers which were given to them under the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. These powers make it possible for Local Authorities to deal with a particular nuisance or problem which is detrimental to the local community’s quality of life by imposing conditions on the use of that area which apply to everyone. They... More
    Closed 31 July 2020
  • Wolverhampton Citywide Public Space Protection Order

    The City of Wolverhampton Council would like your views on the renewal of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) prohibiting street drinking. The PSPO, if renewed will apply anywhere within the boundaries of Wolverhampton local authority area. It will give Police (including Police Community Support Officers) the authorisation to require a person to stop drinking alcohol and surrender any alcohol in their possession where anti-social behaviour is occurring, or in the... More
    Closed 29 June 2020
  • Merridale Street, Graiseley - Play Area Refurbishment

    We would like your thoughts on the refurbishment of the existing children’s play area at Merridale Street, Graiseley. More
    Closed 2 June 2020
  • Wolverhampton Wellbeing - Parents

    The current situation with Covid-19 has led to many far-reaching impacts. The City of Wolverhampton Council would like to understand the impact on health and wellbeing across our communities. The results will inform our approach to support residents, including our current health and wellbeing support and campaign for young people. For this survey we are asking parents questions about themselves and their children’s health and wellbeing over the last few weeks of lockdown. ... More
    Closed 29 May 2020
  • Wolverhampton Wellbeing - Children & Young People

    The current situation with covid-19 has led to many far-reaching impacts. The City of Wolverhampton are wanting to understand the impact on health and wellbeing across our communities. The results will inform our approach to supporting residents, including our current health and wellbeing campaign for young people. For this survey we are asking young people aged 9 -18 years (School Year 5 upwards) in Wolverhampton to complete questions about their health and wellbeing over the past... More
    Closed 29 May 2020
  • Consultation on the proposed Care Act Easement Procedure

    The Coronavirus Bill which became law on 25th March 2020, contains measures (called Care Act easements) to help ensure the best possible care for people in our society during this exceptional period. It enables local authorities to streamline assessment arrangements and prioritise resources should they be unable to meet their statutory duties in full. This may be because demand spikes or staffing resources shrink significantly. The Care Act easements took legal effect on... More
    Closed 25 May 2020
  • Delivering Your Priorities for Wolverhampton

    Welcome to the City of Wolverhampton Council’s online Budget Simulator. Have you got what it takes to set a balanced budget in the face of ongoing cuts? Since 2010, the Council has responded to the continued financial challenge by making savings in excess of £235 million due to successive government cuts and increased demand for services. These challenges are set to continue. We are currently forecasting a remaining budget shortfall in the region of £20 million over the next three... More
    Closed 30 April 2020
  • Educational Provision for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities

    High Needs Provision Framework: Levels of demand for educational provision in Wolverhampton have increased significantly in recent years and are forecast to continue to increase in the short to medium term. To ensure that the needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities can continue to be met effectively the Council keeps provision under review. The City of Wolverhampton Council has recently produced a draft policy framework... More
    Closed 13 April 2020
  • Proposed Improvements to Heath Town Park

    We are proposing to undertake some improvements to Heath Town Park. More
    Closed 27 March 2020
  • Climate Emergency Consultation

    The City of Wolverhampton Council declared a Climate Emergency in July 2019. Since then, the Council has undertaken even greater actions to reduce carbon emissions and improve sustainability. The planned work is presented in the ‘ Future Generations – Our Climate Commitment '. This document can also be found on our website. Within this survey are key questions to help form Future Generations - Our Climate Commitments. There are 15 questions in this survey. You do not... More
    Closed 28 February 2020
  • Whitmore Reans' Unsung Heroes

    Nominate your Whitmore Reans’ unsung hero for 2020 We will be celebrating Whitmore Reans’ unsung heroes on Friday 20 March 2020 at the Heritage Centre, Clifford St, Wolverhampton WV6 0AA. The closing date for nominations is 5pm on Monday 24 th February 2020 *Please note that all nominees must be living, working or actively involved in activity based in Whitmore Reans or the surrounding area*. More
    Closed 25 February 2020
  • Emotional Wellbeing Review

    Emotional wellbeing means being comfortable, healthy or happy and includes other things such as how happy people are with their life. The Council and Wolverhampton Clinical Commissioning Group are conducting an emotional wellbeing review for our children and young people and how we can support them across the City. More
    Closed 7 February 2020
  • Safer Wolverhampton Partnership - Community Safety and Harm Reduction Strategy 2020-2023

    The Safer Wolverhampton Partnership (SWP) is the statutory community safety partnership and local police and crime board in Wolverhampton. SWP not only develops and delivers strategic plans for the city; it works to implement section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act, which places a duty on all statutory partners to consider issues of community safety at the centre of their delivery. The 2020-2023 strategy has been drafted following analysis of current data trends and intelligence, and... More
    Closed 31 January 2020
  • Budget Consultation 2020-2021

    Delivering your Priorities for Wolverhampton You are invited to have your say in a public consultation before we set your Council’s budget for 2020-2021. In addition, you can attend a public meeting (for details of the meetings see below) where you can learn more about the Council’s budget setting process and find out more about our proposals identified to help meet the 2020-2021 challenge using a combination of budget reductions, more efficient ways of working... More
    Closed 17 January 2020
  • A454 Willenhall Road Phase 3

    City of Wolverhampton Council is consulting with the public to assist in the decision-making process with plans to improve the Willenhall Road corridor. The Willenhall Road corridor (A454) is a key gateway into the City of Wolverhampton and a direct link that connects the city to the Black Country and strategic road network via M6 Junction 10. The corridor, which sees 20,000 vehicles pass through the gateway every day, is identified within the Black Country... More
    Closed 6 January 2020
  • Environmental Services Survey 2019

    City of Wolverhampton council's Environmental Services is responsible for providing: Street Cleansing Grounds Maintenance Tree Maintenance Landscape Architecture and Ecology Pest control Parks and Green Spaces Cemeteries / Burials / Cremations Recycling and Waste Civic Amenity Sites Bulky Household Collections Purple Bins More
    Closed 31 December 2019
  • Consultation on Amendments to Private Hire Licence Conditions

    City of Wolverhampton Council’s Licensing Services have commenced a consultation on the proposed draft amendments to Private Hire Licence Conditions, these include Private Hire Vehicle Operator Conditions, Private Hire Vehicle Driver Conditions and Private Hire Vehicle Conditions. These conditions are used to ensure that the trade operates in a fair and consistent manner. Responses will be documented, and a summary of the responses together with the proposed final... More
    Closed 20 December 2019
  • Consultation on the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy 2020-2025

    Every five years, the City of Wolverhampton Council must publish a Statement of Licensing Policy with respect to the exercising of our licensing functions and publish this statement before the beginning of the validity of the licence. More
    Closed 18 December 2019
  • Proposed All Age Travel Assistance Policy

    Wolverhampton residents and the professionals that support them are invited to have their say on the proposed policy, which covers travel assistance arrangements to facilitate attendance at educational establishments and social care venues. Proposed All Age Travel Assistance Policy July 2019 Consultation Proposals Summary To view further information, related documents and access downloads, please visit . More
    Closed 6 December 2019
  • Informal Consultation on City Centre Taxi Ranks

    Taxi ranks allow hackney carriages to legally park and wait in convenient locations for customers. We are proposing to create a new traffic regulation order for the city centre, which includes the following current provision: Castle Street – Three ranks 2 vehicles 2 vehicles 5 vehicles Chubb Street – One rank 6 vehicles Lichfield Street – Two... More
    Closed 6 December 2019
  • Housing Allocations Policy 2019

    Have your say to help shape City of Wolverhampton's Housing Allocations Policy which determines how Council homes are allocated. We have developed a draft policy in response to changing legislation and local housing need in the City. The changes being put forward have been shaped by new objectives that seek to: Ensure people in the greatest housing need have the best opportunity to access housing that meets their needs. Make use of the full range of housing... More
    Closed 25 October 2019
  • Growing Up in Wolverhampton

    We are focussing on three areas: Being Healthy, Being Connected and Being Aspirational. Being Healthy: We are interested in knowing what keeps young people happy and well. Being Connected: We would like to know how young people stay connected with their friends, family and city. Being Aspirational: We are interested in knowing how ambitious our children and young people are and how we can support them. More
    Closed 18 October 2019
  • Engagement with users of the Council’s sign language interpretation service

    City of Wolverhampton Council is seeking the views of people who use the Council’s sign language interpretation service provided by DA Languages. The Council’s contract with DA Languages ends on 4 February 2020 but can be extended for a year until 4 February 2021. The views obtained will help inform the Council’s decision on whether the contract extension is awarded and the new contract when it is tendered. Two engagement events will be carried out on 16 September 2019... More
    Closed 4 October 2019
  • Statutory Review of Polling Stations – Second Stage Public Consultation

    The Council is currently carrying out a review of Polling Districts and Places for the proposed 2020 Boundary changes, in accordance with Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013. The priorities of the review have been to reduce the number of schools that have to close and the use of temporary polling stations, whilst keeping all polling stations accessible and convenient for electors. We are keen to receive representations from any interested... More
    Closed 2 October 2019
523 results. Page 17 of 18