New Park Village Estate Redevelopment – Estate Masterplan

Closed 12 Jun 2024

Opened 29 May 2024


Since being appointed in November 2023, Corporate Architecture have been working on an estate Masterplan for New Park Village (NPV) featuring a new layout for the estate. The draft Masterplan has been reviewed by Planning and Transportation colleagues over the past few months and has gone through several changes to reflect their comments. The proposals have also been recently shared with the NPV Resident Steering Group (RSG).

We are delighted to now be able to share the Masterplan proposals with the wider NPV estate and get residents thoughts and comments on the designs.

You can view the proposals and complete the resident survey for the NPV estate below. Please let us know what you think about what is proposed!

NPV – Proposed Site Plan

NPV – Proposed Site Visual

NPV – Street Scenes – Key

NPV – Street Scenes – A

NPV – Street Scenes – B

NPV – Street Scenes – C-D

NPV – Street Scenes – E-F-G-H

If you have any queries regarding the NPV redevelopment, please get in touch at:


  • Bushbury South & Low Hill
  • Heath Town


  • Tenants / Residents associations
  • Housing tenants


  • Housing